Digital technologies can be used to build a just transition to a circular economy. Waste apps can improve residents’ access to waste collection services, reducing the need to dump or burn waste. These apps can help formalise waste collection services and secure the financial inclusion of both female and male waste workers. This webinar will explore the potential of waste apps to improve the lives and livelihoods of waste workers. The speakers will share powerful examples of how simple app features can drive inclusion and improve waste management services in diverse settings.

  • Zoë Lenkiewicz

    Director, Global Waste Lab

    Zoë Lenkiewicz combines technical and social expertise in waste management systems to bring an end ...
  • Allen Kimambo

    Co-founder and CEO, Zaidi Recyclers Ltd

    Allen Kimambo is a Chemical Engineer, an environmentalist and a social entrepreneur who saw the oppo...
  • Lorena Gallardo

    Solid Waste Management Expert

    Lorena Gallardo is an expert in solid waste management, inclusive recycling and circular economy. Sh...

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