Join Dr. Christian Zurbrugg and Dr. Stephen Wise to discuss logistics behind Successful City-Wide Composting Programs . Dr. Christian Zurbrugg is a Member of the Directorate and Senior Researcher at Dr. Stephen Wise is a Principal Consultant at Ricardo Energy & Environment. The 2015 Global Dialogue on Waste organized by be Waste Wise is a series of panel discussions and interviews which will be broadcast live on every Wednesday from August to December, 2015

  • Ranjith Annepu

    Co-Founder of be Waste Wise and an International Waste Management

    Ranjith Kharvel Annepu is a Co-Founder of be Waste Wise and an International Waste Management Consul...
  • Christian Zurbrügg

    Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology

    Dr. Christian Zurbrugg received his BSc. and MSc. degree in Geology at the University of Berne, Swit...
  • Stephen Wise

    Associate Director, Amec Foster Wheeler

    Stephen Wise is the Associate Director of Environment & Infrastructure Europe at Amec Foster Whe...
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