Our moderators come from diverse backgrounds and work with us to organize webinars on topical issues. They pose questions, tease out insights, and guide conversations that are more relevant to us than those in other online and offline places. These moderators have either moderated webinars with us in the past, or continue to do so currently. You will know more when you head to their profile.
Chief Sustainability & External Affairs Officer, SUEZ UK
CEO, Ambire Global
Founder, GA Circular
Professor, IIT Kharagpur, India
Lead Editor, Waste Dive
Founder, Lighthouse Sustainability
Principal Consultant, Project Gijs
Sustainability Officer, International Bar Association
Director, Rawtec
Solid Waste Management Expert
Senior Reporter, Waste Dive
Project STOP Program Director, Systemiq
Founder and MD The Bright Future Project, Representative of ACEN: Africa Circular Economy Network
Board Member, Polish Zero Waste Association
Deputy Director, China Australia Centre for Sustainable Urban Development
Sustainability & Social Value Lead, SUEZ UK
Co-founder, Siel Environmental Solutions
Expert, Capacity Development, Waste and Marine Litter Programme, GRID-Arendal
Co-founder, Ambire Global
Director, Global Waste Lab