Waste Management is often marginalised in discussions about meeting the Net Zero Carbon agenda, with policymakers and activists tending to favour transport, energy and manufacturing sectors for intervention. But if societies and businesses are serious about delivering on one planet’s living commitments and reducing their carbon emissions, then they must embrace the opportunities presented by effective resource management, enhanced resource efficiency and a more circular economy.
This panel explores how we can not only make the link between sustainable resource management and climate change but also consider what activities, interventions and policies governments, businesses, and organisations should take now to ensure that planned green transitions across a range of sectors and regions are deliverable – can we really decarbonise industry without effective waste management? We consider specific material streams (plastics, food & textiles), local services (recycling, composting), policy measures and behavioural change programmes from across the globe as examples of what can and must be achieved.
What are the big opportunities to decarbonise society’s waste management, and how can we support others as they look to reduce their emissions – if these questions are of interest, then this panel and our webinar are for you!