Amy Harrison

Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) Specialist

Amy Harrison is a gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) specialist with over 14 years of experience providing technical support and leadership on international development policy and programming. Her primary areas of technical focus include GEDSI mainstreaming, research and analysis, training and guidance/tool development, policy and strategy development, and monitoring evaluation and learning. She has experience applying GEDSI principles to multiple sectors, including economic development, climate and environment, social protection, and education. Her specific areas of expertise include social norm change analysis and programming; gender-based violence prevention and response (including violence as barrier to women’s economic empowerment); women’s economic rights and the unpaid care economy; governance, voice and accountability; harmful traditional practices, including child marriage; and women, peace and security. She is committed to tackling inequality through programming that is intersectional, centres and elevates local voices and expertise, and seeks to reimagine systemic and structural causes of inequality.