Enzo Favoino is with Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza, a research and technical development Centre located in Italy.
He and his team have helped many Governmental Institutions and Local Authorities implement performing waste management schemes in various Countries
They have largely contributed to development of source separation, recycling and composting around the EU and the world
He has frequently participated as an invited expert in meetings and workshops organised by the European Commission on Sustainable Waste Management and Source Separation. He has also participated as an invited expert in the European Climate Change Programme.
In the past, he served as the first Technical Director of the Italian Composting association, CIC, Member of the Scientific Committee of ANPA (Italian National Environmental Protection Agency) Chair of the WG "Biological Treatment" at ISWA (International Solid Waste Association).
He was co-founder of ECN (European Compost Network). He currently sits as Chair of Scientific Committee of the ZWE (Zero Waste Europe).
On account of the role exerted in promoting and implementing separate collection across Italy and Europe, he was appointed "Pioneer of Separate Collection" in 2008.
Main Skills: Design and optimisation of separate collection; local waste plans; design, optimisation of sites to process organics; design and optimisation of recycling sites; odour management and minimisation; waste and environmental policy; waste management and climate change; reuse programmes; citizen science connected to cleanups and litter.