Muzafar Kaemdin

Head of Planning, Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation, UN World Food Programme

Muzafar Kaemdin is a seasoned project management and research professional with more than 15 years in the field, working with INGOs, private foundations, and the UN. He has extensive experience in food security, nutrition, health, WASH, and resilience programming, having worked in over 8 countries in Africa and Asia in both development and humanitarian contexts, for nearly two decades in these sectors. Some of his most recent assignments include: Head of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation (PMLE) for UN-WFP in Somalia; Deputy Team Leader for GCIP’s Tanzania’s Technical Assistance on Organic Waste Management in Dar es Salaam; Global Director for Performance, Evidence and Insights for Living Goods, based in Kenya; Regional Monitoring and Results Measurement (MRM) Head for Gatsby Africa; and Technical Director for FCDO-funded Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) in Tanzania.