Sourabh Kaushal is an Electronics and Communication Engineer, Space Explorer and INK Fellow in association with TED.
He is doing research on Space Debris Mitigation and Space transportation system for the last half decade. As a passionate for Space Science and Technology, he has proposed some new techniques to mitigate space debris from space. He is a recipient of Rajeev Circle Fellowship for Entrepreneurs 2015, USA. As a part of fellowship he visited Stanford University, Google HQ, NASA Ames Research Center, Maker Fest.
He is a recipient of runner up “Jerome Pearson Award 2010” by International Space Elevator Consortium, USA and Dr. Kalpana Chawla Young Scientist Award 2012. He also received “Young Innovator Award 2013” by Indira International Innovation Summit 2013 and “Youth Revolutionary Award” 2013. In addition, he is also the finalist of MIT Technology Review (India) 35 Young Innovator Award and nominated for Jerome Leader Space Safety Pioneer Award 2012-13 for his innovative research work.
He has been invited by the US Embassy in the addressing speech of Mr. Barack Obama, the President of United States of America.