Ngozika Onyekwelu

Founder and MD The Bright Future Project, Representative of ACEN: Africa Circular Economy Network

Ngozika was born and educated in the United Kingdom but decided to relocate and come back to Zambia, her mother's homeland, out of a yearning and a desire to do my part to bring about social change and sow a seed of knowledge, inspiration, innovation, and creative destruction. She founded 'The Bright Future Projects' which aims to bring sustainable development through the creation of a circular economy and practical practices. In times of globalization, climate change and an ever increasing population growth within the continent of Africa; we want Zambia to be the center of the environmental revolution and reform by creating a tech inclusive efficient and effective waste management system which can be replicated in all regions of Zambia and other African nations. This can and will be achieved through education, legislation and corporate leadership.