Sociologist by training and one of Brazil’s leading experts in waste-related management
Sonia Maria Dias is a sociologist by training and one of Brazil’s leading experts in waste-related management. Active in the field since 1985, she has played a key role in helping to integrate the social aspects into the technical planning of waste collection and recycling. From the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Sonia has attained a Master’s of Human Geography on the role of local governments in strengthening waster pickers’ organizations in Belo Horizonte and a PhD in Political Science on the role of participation in solid waste management in Brazil.
She is a member of the Waste and Citizenship Forum and has served as Latin American representative to the Collaborative Working Group on Solid Waste Management. She is an Eisenhower Fellow. Ms Dias is interested in the links between poverty alleviation, the environment, informal employment, and civic engagement. She is currently linked probono as an associate researcher with the Women’s Centre for Research and Studies with NEPEM/UFMG. She is currently coordinating a research-action project on waste and gender.