As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to keep us in uncertain times, in this webinar panelists discuss how it has affected waste management worldwide, what has been the extent of impact in developing economies especially amongst informal communities and what reforms can be brought to curb these challenges.

The panelists talk about existing scenario of waste management, what initiatives are being taken globally and how do we see the future panning out.

Other Resources

  • Swati Singh Sambyal

    Expert, Capacity Development, Waste and Marine Litter Programme, GRID-Arendal

    Swati Singh Sambyal is a researcher specializing in resource management and the circular economy. Wi...
  • Sonia Dias

    Sociologist by training and one of Brazil’s leading experts in waste-related management

    Sonia Maria Dias is a sociologist by training and one of Brazil’s leading experts in waste-related...
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