Watch Jane Olley (Regional Initiative for Inclusive Recycling, Inter-American Development Bank, FOMIN, AVINA Fundacion, The Coca-Cola Company), Dr. Peter Cohen (World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank), Dr. Alfonso Martinez (Mundo Sustenable), and Lucia Fernandez (WIEGO and MIT)

  • Lucia Fernandez

    An International Specialist on Informal Recycling

    Lucia Fernandez is an international specialist on informal recycling, Lucia has worked for more than...
  • Alfonso Martinez

    New Projects Director, Mundo Sustentable

    Dr Alfonso Martinez is the New Projects Director of the Mexican NGO Mundo Sustentable. He earned his...
  • Jane Olley

    Coordinator of the Regional Initiative, Inclusive Recycling

    Jane Olley is the Coordinator of the Regional Initiative for Inclusive Recycling a joint program of ...
  • Peter Cohen

    Social Development Consultant

    Dr. Peter Cohen is a Social Development Consultant for institutions including the Inter-American Dev...
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