The session looks at where we are successfully transitioning from traditional leaner models of production, consumption, and waste to a more circular model of green design, reuse, refill, repair, and leasing, where consumers can make good choices and the systems are accessible, affordable, and performing.

We hear about critical points in a consumer’s lifetime when waste prevention can be minimised and alternative approaches adopted whilst also reflecting on what the Government can do to drive greater resource productivity and circular solutions.

  • Adam Read

    Chief Sustainability & External Affairs Officer, SUEZ UK

    Adam Read is the Director of External Affairs at SUEZ Recycling & Recovery. Adam has specialized...
  • Jane Beasley

    Director, Beasley Associates Ltd

    Dr Jane Beasley is a professionally qualified waste and resource manager and for the past 25 years h...
  • Lorna Jackson

    Research & Innovation Manager, Keep Britain Tidy

    Lorna has over seven years’ experience working within their award winning Centre for Social Innova...
  • Sarah Ottaway

    Sustainability & Social Value Lead, SUEZ UK

    Sarah Ottaway became SUEZ recycling and recovery UK’s Sustainability and Social Value Lead in 2019...
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